August 26, 2012

Shopping Tip Of The Week

It's the end of the week guys and we decided to add a new rubric to our site called - Shopping Tip of The Week. Basically, what this rubric will do is give you some tips on how to become a smart shopper and save more money by doing that. Stay tuned for more shopping tips, there will be one every week. Also you can subscribe to our Facebook Page, by liking us on the right side or subscribe to our Twitter Page, by following us. 

Tip Of The Week - When purchasing items from retail stores, such as computers, big televisions, appliances and other electronics, always check their website at the end of the week. Most of the retail store change their prices at the end of the week - usually Sunday's and in many cases prices of the products you buy drop dramatically or drop to a good $20-$50 off the price you paid. 


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