December 11, 2012

Free Shabbat Candle Lighting Starter Set

Get FREE Shabbat Candle Lighting Starter Set. Use the form to request a FREE guide to Shabbat Candle-Lighting. Please include your name and address. You can also request a FREE starter set for yourself or as a gift for a friend.

Shabbat is an island of tranquility in the maelstrom of work, anxiety, struggle and tribulation that characterizes our daily lives for the other six days of the week. For approximately 25 hours each week, the world literally comes to a halt: the business is closed, the car stays in the driveway, the phone stops ringing, the radio, TV and computer remain on “off,” and the pressures and worries of material life recede behind a curtain of oblivion. As we cease all creative involvement with the physical world, our focus turns inward — to family and friends, to our inner self, to our soul.


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